Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quick Update!

Today was a cross training day but because we went rollerblading on Monday (due to Kyle's knee pain) we decided to do our run today. We ran at the Las Lomas High School track and I managed to keep a steady 11 minute pace (1 minute faster than my normal pace) and ran 4 miles in 44 minutes. 4 MILES! Can you believe it? I can't! Just 4 weeks ago I was struggling with 2 or 2.5 miles and today I ran 4 without any problems! Just had to share this moment of encouragement with everyone...any progress is good progress and man, it feels great :)

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful day today! More to come on Saturday after our 10 mile run through San Francisco. Pray for me- that city is full of hills!

P.S. Here are some pics from our team social on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and the cheesecake I made for Sara's 25th birthday was a hit :)

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